Recruitment FAQ
The rush process is easy and convenient, but can be confusing. The purpose of the rush process is to get to know you as a person, and to determine if you are a good fit for the house.
Why Rush?
Why are eighty percent of the executives of the Fortune 500 companies Greek? Why are the vast majority of doctors and lawyers in this country Greek? It has everything to do with taking initiative, being dependable, and being able to deal with adverse situations in an effective manner. All of these are skills practiced over and over again as a brother in the Alpha Pi Chapter of Phi Kappa Tau.
Established on the University of Washington campus in 1929, the Alpha Pi chapter of Phi Kappa Tau is one of the oldest and most respected fraternities on campus. Our members are scholars, athletes, and most importantly, leaders. When you become a Phi Tau, you will begin an experience that will change your life. Immediately, you become a part of a true brotherhood, a group of men bound by a commitment to the fraternity, and to each other. As an active brother, you will have a direct role in the day to day operations of the house. Brothers propose ideas, have discussions, and cast votes in a democratic system designed to encourage maximum participation. Each day Phi Taus learn skills that will help them become more successful not only in school, but in life.
Here at Phi Kappa Tau we value men of character. These are people, who in our eyes, stand out above the crowd as leaders, innovators, and overall as outstanding men. As a house we value academics in addition to maintaining a balanced social schedule. We all recognize that we are here for our education. This focus on academics means that our house has one of the most diverse groups of students that study a wide assortment of majors including engineering, business, mathematics, English, biochemistry, computer science, economics, political science, philosophy and communication. If you feel that you are a man of character we encourage you to come visit our fraternity and learn more about what it is like to be a Phi Tau.
What if I don't think I'm the "fraternity type"?
Here at Phi Kappa Tau, we don't believe there is such a thing as a man who is the "fraternity type." We look at the inherent worth of each and every individual, and pride ourselves on serving the Greek Community in unconventional ways. If you worry you're not the type of person who would fit in at a fraternity, then you should still strongly consider Phi Tau.
Can current UW students and upper classmen rush?
Of course! Joining Phi Kappa Tau is a lifelong brotherhood experience, and the difference of a short time in college is insignificant.
When can/should I rush?
Unlike sororities, fraternities at UW do not do "formal rush." Instead of a "rush week," fraternities rush year round. Most people rush during the summer, but it is also common for students to rush during the academic year, even if they are already living in dorms (or off-campus somewhere). We prefer this system to a "rush week" because we feel a few hours over the course of a week is not enough to get to know someone on a deep, personal level.
When are rush events?
Rush events happen all the time. There is nearly always something going on at Phi Tau, and our rush chairmen will gladly arrange an event so that we can get to know you. During the summer, there are rush events nearly every day.
What do you do at rush events?
Rush events are numerous and varied. Sometimes it's a barbeque, sometimes it's a baseball game, and sometimes we get together and play video games. Our houses interests are wide and varied, and no matter what you like to do, there is an event which you will enjoy. Also, rush events are completely free!
Will there be alcohol?
No; we are firmly against "wet rushing." We believe that drinking with someone is not a good way to get to know them, and since getting to know you is so key to the rush process, we will not drink in front of you, or offer you alcohol while you are rushing.
Grades are important to me. What does Phi Tau do to ensure no man gets left behind?
We place a high priority on academic excellence. We have an active scholarship programs which rewards success and helps those who are struggling. Study tables, test files, and members in fields across the board all aid academic success. Especially in your early college experience, it is very likely that members of the house have taken your classes in the past, and would be glad to help you with your work.
Parties are a concern for me. How often do you party, and what is the social atmosphere like in the house?
This is a common concern, whether you enjoy partying or not. Many of our members do not drink, and there is never any pressure to do so. In fact, most events at Phi Kappa Tau do not include alcohol. We attempt to have one to two major parties hosted at Phi Tau per quarter, and give our members opportunities to participate in multi-fraternity events hosted by other fraternities throughout the quarter, as well. All of these events are strictly regulated by the rules of the UW's Interfraternity Council and the University. There are always sober officers on duty, and safety is our first priority. Many members who don't drink also choose to attend these events, however, because they are very fun and a great way to meet people from the Greek Community. When we are not partying, the social atmosphere in the house is still very lively. Members and guests of the house can frequently be found socializing at nearly any time.
What happens at the end of the recruitment process?
If the members of the chapter decide that you are a good fit for the house, and that you are an exceptional man who we would be proud of as a brother, we will extend a "bid" to you. This is a formal invitation to join our fraternity. After receiving a bid, we ask that you take some time to strongly consider joining our fraternity, as it is a fairly large decision.
Should you decide to accept, you only need to alert our rush chairmen at your earliest convenience. Once you have accepted, you can choose to make living arrangements at your earliest convenience, and you will begin the new member period. You can learn more about that in the New Member FAQ.